Hey guys
Hey guys! (i know this wiki is dead) I'm Belzz0 or Sam (Sam is my real name, shocker huh) anyhoot, i'm really REALLY new to this wiki even tho i know like, two characters from this game (that is Flumpty and Birthday Boy Blam)
One Night at Flumpty's Progress Tracker
- One Night at Flumpty's - Haven't Started Yet
- One Night at Flumpty's 2 - Haven't Started Yet
- One Night at Flumpty's 3 - Haven't Started Yet
The Beaver (ONaF 2)
The Beaver returns in One Night at Flumpty's 2
- 1 Physical Appearance
- 1.1 Jumpscare
- 2 Behavior
- 3 Gallery
The Beaver looks the same as the design of the opus, though he has a few changes in style.
During his jumpscare, the Beaver will look the same as in his previous jumpscare, but with more red shade of the body and bloodshot teeth.
The Beaver will sit on the toilet on CAM 3, reading the newspaper and behave the same as in the previous game. At 1 AM, Beaver will put down the newspaper and look into the camera. During the night, the Beaver will run out of toilet paper, but this time faster than in the previous game (toilet paper runs out in about 2 hours). After the toilet paper has run out, the Beaver will climb into one of the vents and crawl quickly …
The Beaver (ONAF 2)
The Beaver returns in One Night at Flumpty's 2
The Beaver looks the same as the design of the opus, though he has a few changes in style.
In his Jumpscare, his appearance is different. His eyes become more realistic and bloodshot and he appears to have sharp teeth. He also appears to be a light shade of red (this may be due to the lighting). And his arms are a lot wider.
He starts on Cam 6, once 3 AM hits he will start moving through Cam 3 and Cam 2 and then the office. When he’s in the office. The player mustn’t turn off the lights and he’ll leave in 1-2 seconds. If Flumpty/Blam/Eyesaur and the Beaver are both in the office, you must wait for him first, once he left, the player is free to turn off the lights.
OnaW 3
Golden Flumpty once again appear as hallucionary antagonist in One Night at Flumpty's 3
Golden Flumpty reappears once again as hallucionary antagonist in One Night at Flumpty's unlike previous games Golden Flumpty can appear on any camera, when player pulls down monitor on Camera Golden Flumpty is on, he will jumpscare the player draining their warmth meter, making them exposed to freezing and eventually being killed by other Antagonists.
- When Player is already at lower levels of warm Golden Flumpty wont reduce as much warmth.
- Which makes it impossible for Golden Flumpty to directly Freeze the player.
- Golden Flumpty is only enemy that cannot kill you but instead causes hindrance to player.
contest 2: friend me in rblx
i have 199 friends and 200 is the max so friend me and if i accept your request you are lucky
if a onaf 3 was made
onaf 3
purple jelly monster with no eyes and long arms. He will wander around and stuff. Once he is around your door he will be shown walking down then turns into the room facing you. If the radio is playing while he is there you have a 5 second time frame to turn it off, if you don't he jumpscares you.(Also while it'S playing he'll move more often) (jumpscare shows him splitting his top half to reveal teeth then eats you)
birthday boy blam:
golden flumpty:
the music clan: These three(2 saxophones and 1 piano) will sit around in one room. If they open their eyes they'll start playing a tune that will summon a monster that shouldn't be there.
So the mechanics are:
the radio: Plays music that either …
So, I just found this wiki a few days ago and decided I would join it since I had had heard a bit about it and tried it out and turns out I really enjoy it. So yeah, heya!
this wiki has entered anarchy
We need to take it back. No wiki deserves this. Take troll pages and make them useful pages. Do whatever you can to fight back.
This wiki is dead. I wanna bring it back. I'll adopt it. Support please? I might even bring comments back if people want.
ONAF character portraits
here's the portraits of the characters found on FNAFlore.com. Go see them on the website if you'd like.
Why OWaF Canceled?
Why is it canceled??? Can someone tell me??? I cant watch video,it ssays "The Video Doesnt Exist".
This wiki has grown so much!!!
When I joined this community there wasn't much on, there were no pictures, sounds, animated gifs or achievements. I added a ton of pics when this wiki started and then more people started helping the wiki and this is where we are now :3. Also back then we had comments but they would get spammed so yeah... So I hope you csn also help out on this wiki like I did.
ok im back
Ok, I know I was gone for a while, this is what happened.
So, Trying to put these new speakers in, my pc broke.
so then, got a new one, but wiki wouldn't work.
then, I came on today, and my computer automatically updated to internet explorer 11.
So I checked wiki 1 more time, and it worked.
So I was gone,
blog- OWaF Grunkfuss ideas
Now that OWaF is cancelled, i've had no one to kill. But i had a few ideas for what I would be like in OWaF. 1- Since i could crawl in walls, i could've tooken quicker routes around the place.
2- Remember in onaf 2 I could make a random hole in the wall? Well, i was thinking that I could go to the office at anytime. That'd be cool.
So, those are my ideas. I hoped you enjoyed them.
HELP! - Blocked by a Troll Admin
So, over on the Five Nights at Wario's wiki, I was blocked by a troll of an admin for 1 year. Help please? I mean, maybe the creator of that wiki can help?
I don't know what else to do, if anyone can help, then thank you so much.
Create Your Origin Stories
Nobody knows the origins of this gang of misfits. You guys pick a character and make up a randomly pointless, potentially convoluded, or downright seriously idiotic backstory for them, how they came to exist, why they are like they are now, etc.
Bring forth ideas from the deepest, darkest depths of your minds. Surprise me~!
I have seen the poll, and most of the votes are on "NOPE". This disappoints me, as Jonochrome's decision was what he thought was the best and he cancelled OWaF, I accept that and even though I'm sad that the game didn't get finished I understand and respect his decision. But this goddamned fanbase is just like "No OWaF? F you Jonochrome you ugly homosexual donkey dong!" Jonochrome got stressed out because the fanbase was yelling "ONaF3 then ONaF4 then ONaF5 then ONaF85!!!" and the game didn't work out. Screw those people. I wish ONaF hadn't become super popular and developed a fanbase like this. Now not the entire fanbase is like this, there are many that accept Jonochrome's decision. Thank You.
I'm leaving
Well since Johnocrome has cancelled OWAF I pretty much have no reason to be here any longer. Goodbye all of you
I'm A Kawaii Sheep! I make some art and always ask a few questions. I'm here for Hamtaro! (not really XD)
One Week at Flumpty's got cancelled?!?
Jon made a video showing that his new game project got cancelled. I guess there won't be a third game. :(
Goodbye, One Week at Flumpty's...
funniest scares i ever had
me:wheres FLUPTEH?!? *puts monitor down*
BBB:*peeks at the door*
me: oh duck mother of toy bonnie.
BBB:*very violent scare*
eyesaur:*stupidly screams at me for no reason*
me:*dies* XD
Hi there!
Hi there everyone on the One Night at Flumptys Wiki i am a new member! my name is Club Of Peng and well thats all i have to say so bye!
Which equals which
The beaver=Foxy
The owl=Foxy
Golden Flumpty=Like mario from FNaW but more random