CAM 1 is a location in One Night at Flumpty's 3. It connects to CAM 2 and CAM 3. Birthday Boy Blam starts here and is the only character to pass through. However, Golden and Shadow Flumpty can be visible here as well.
It appears to be a dark room with only a fireplace lighting it up, with a cactus with a somewhat sinister face on the left, and a pyramid with an eye on it's top on the right, also there is a gory Pac-Man over a big pile of dirt.
During the Flumpty Night, the fireplace will have blue fire and the cactus will be cut down.
- CAM 1 was the first camera shown in the trailer for the game.
- If you click on the cactus, it will say "I'm a cactus", referencing an easter egg from the first game.
See Also[]

Click here to view the CAM 1 gallery.