CAM 3, also known as The Hottub, is a location in One Night at Flumpty's 3. It connects with CAM 2, CAM 6, and CAM 7.
The Beavowl starts here on the normal night. He will emerge from the hottub and crawl into the vent. Grunkfuss the Clown also passes through, coming from CAM 6 and heading to CAM 2. On Flumpty Night, Spider Flumpty starts here. He follows the same path as the Beavowl. It is unknown whether other clones pass through here. Golden Flumpty and Shadow Flumpty can manifest here.
CAM 3 appears to resemble a spa or bathroom. A hottub can be seen in direct view of the camera, with copper soapy waters and candles around the edge. A picture of a beach sunset and an unknown picture hang on the walls above the hottub. The room has copper tiles and orange walls. A dark doorway leads to CAM 2, and a vent leads to CAM 7.
On Flumpty Night, the beach sunset painting has been replaced with a beach moonset painting. The walls, tiles and candles have turned blue, while the waters in the hottub have turned maroon.
- It is currently unknown what the liquid in the hottub on Flumpty Night actually is, though it could most likely be blood.
See Also[]

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