Eleggtroswing is a song that plays in One Night at Flumpty's 3 towards the end of Flumpty Night (approximately 4AM). The song is possibly Flumpty congratulating the player for making it to 4AM. As the title suggests, it is an electro swing composition. It was written and performed by Jonochrome.
Welcome to Flumpty Bumpty's, it's your time,
To beat the egg and leave this place behind
Your brain is feeling scrambled, the end is out of sight
But if you hold on longer, you might survive the night
(Instrumental solo)
It's Flumpty Bumpty
It's Flumpty Bumpty
It's Flumpty Bumpty
It's Flumpty Bumpty
(Piano solo, followed by a drumbeat)
- Jonochrome's inspiration for composing "Eleggtroswing" came from listening to music by the Electro Swing band, Caravan Palace.
- The title "Eleggtroswing" is a pun on the words "Egg" and "Electroswing".
- During the intermission part of the song. Mysterious sounds can be heard. It is unknown what these are, however it’s speculated these are the screams of the characters as Flumpty killed them before the night started.