One Night at Flumpty's Wiki
One Night at Flumpty's Wiki
Not what you were looking for? See Flumpty (disambiguation).

The Flumpty Clones are representations of the other characters after being mangled and deceased that appear in the Flumpty Night and after 3 AM in the Hard Boiled Mode of ONaF 3. This is Flumpty demonstrating his power to transcend time and space to appear in multiple places at the same time.

"He came from the center door.”

— Death message shown when dying to Another Flumpty

Another Flumpty replaces Birthday Boy Blam. He will make his way to the office through the middle doorway, where the player must use the camera flash to get rid of him. On his way from CAM 1 to the office, he will constantly distort his face into creepier versions of himself.

"You should have stayed away."

— Death message shown when dying to Fireside Flumpty

Fireside Flumpty replaces The Redman. He appears to be a smaller version of Flumpty that will occasionally appear within the fireplace. Stay away from the fireplace when CAM 4 tells you to "STAY AWAY" to prevent him from killing you.

"Remember to check the vents."

— Death message shown when dying to Spider Flumpty

Spider Flumpty (aka Fucking Animating Flumpty by Jonochrome) replaces The Beavowl. He first appears peering out of the hot tub in CAM 3, where he will then enter the vent. His appearance vaguely resembles a spider, with eight eyes and four extra arms instead of legs. When the player sees him crawling through the ventilation system on CAM 7, they must immediately use the camera flash to scare him away from entering the office.

"If you can't blind him, hide."

— Death message shown when dying to All-Seeing Eye Flumpty

All-Seeing Eye Flumpty plays a role like Grunkfuss the Clown in ONaF 2. He appears as a large eyeball shaped like an egg in CAM 6 when he's docile, but when he appears in the office, he gains multiple pupils. His Patience Meter (like Grunkfuss's own mechanic from One Night at Flumpty's 2) starts off with 1500. When the patience meter reaches zero, he will burst out of the hole in The Constitution which appeared when the patience meter activated. At this point, he will pop into your office and raise your Exposure Meter. If the Exposure Meter is raised fully, he'll jumpscare the player. All-Seeing Eye Flumpty can be stopped by using your camera flash to return him to CAM 6 and restart the Patience Meter. If you're unable to flash All-Seeing Eye Flumpty in time because you either are recharging your camera flash or you ran out of flashes, you can move to the furnace or the vent to stop All-Seeing Eye Flumpty from raising your Exposure Meter until you return to the middle room.

"ERROR: Security monitor infected."

— Death message shown when dying to any Flumpty after Flumpty.exe disables the cameras

Flumpty.exe plays a role identical to the Redman in ONaF2, acting as a random pop up that can appear on your camera system. If he appears, click the cancel button on his pop up to make him go away. Failure to do so will cause the camera system to be disabled. But unlike Redman he does not jumpscare you.

"Shy away from the shadows."

— Death message shown when dying to Shadow Flumpty

Shadow Flumpty plays a similar role to Grunkfuss the Clown in ONaF and behaves similarly to Golden Flumpty in ONaF 3. His appearance is like Flumpty's jumpscare in ONaF 2, or Golden Flumpty's hallucinations in the first ONaF. He has the chance to appear in any of the cameras, and lowering your camera while Shadow Flumpty is in the camera causes him to appear above the main hallway. Lowering your camera while Shadow Flumpty is present 4 more times allows him to slowly grow closer and closer to you until he finally jumpscares you. If the player doesn't lower the camera where Shadow Flumpty is on, it will occasionally make him retract or even disappear. Occasionally, Shadow Flumpty will laugh, causing the player's interface to spontaneously randomize and show a false display, including the door power meter in the camera.

"He came from the door on the left/right."

— Death message shown when dying to Door Flumpty

Door Flumpty appears in either CAM 8A or 8B. He slowly moves towards the hallway until he's present in either the left or the right of the main hallway. When he's poised there, use the laser door to prevent him from blending you (if Virtual Boy Flumpty didn't shut them down first). Occasionally, the rooms of CAM 8A and CAM 8B swap, and likewise, changes which hallway Another Flumpty will appear from. The player must pay extra attention if the rooms swapped and which door Door Flumpty will enter from. The flash can be used to see which doorway Door Flumpty is currently in but it does nothing to prevent him from killing you. A cardboard cut-out of Flumpty will be seen in either camera when it is safe to open both doors.

"Don't forget to block the switch"

- Death message shown when dying to Door Flumpty if Virtual Boy Flumpty got to the switch

Virtual Boy Flumpty will slowly approach the door power area on CAM 10. If he enters the doorway in the room, the door lasers can be turned on to dissuade him from entering. Failure to prevent Virtual Boy Flumpty with the laser door will allow him to disable all laser doors, most likely letting Door Flumpty easily kill you.


  • Originally, during the development of the first One Night at Flumpty's installment, all the characters were supposed to be variations of Flumpty, but Jonochrome scrapped the idea since it was too repetitive. This concept was coincidentally reused for One Night at Flumpty's 3, as Jonochrome stated that he forgot the idea and came up to his mind when many people reminded it to him.
  • The Eyesaur and Grunkfuss' behavior from One Night at Flumpty's 3 are the only behaviors that the Flumpty clones do not replicate.
    • Since Shadow Flumpty replicates Grunkfuss' mechanics from the previous two games, Eyesaur is the only characters who the Flumpty clones do not replicate at all.
  • The SFEJODPOWFOJFODF string on the Flumpty.exe screen is encoded the same as Redman's in OnaF2 and it translates to REDINCONVENIENCE, and contrary to the REDSCREENOFDEATH it does not kill the player outright, the numbers in the number sequence 12345:08182014 are the release date of the original Five Nights at Freddy's on Steam, August 18, 2014.
  • The reason why the Flumpty Clones appear is because everybody else has been murdered as shown on CAM 6, presumably by Flumpty Bumpty himself because they're unsuccessful at trying to kill the player.
  • Phisnom has stated there are 9 Flumpty AIs to take care of.
  • Some of the Flumptys have nicknames from Jonochrome. They can be seen here.
    • The only clones that don't have nicknames from Jonochrome are Shadow Flumpty and Door Flumpty.
  • Some of the Flumpty clones make callbacks to certain aspects from the past two games. These include:
    • Another Flumpty's face when he is about to enter The Office is a direct reference to "The Sad Fate of One Week at Flumpty's".
    • Spider Flumpty charging down the vent references the Beaver and Owl's mechanic from the first two games, where they will charge towards the player and attack them unless the door is shut, or in this case, a picture is taken of them.
    • The various arms Fireside Flumpty has in his second pose is a reference to one of ONaF's teasers, where multiple arms appear behind Flumpty.
    • Likewise, Fireside Flumpty's sewn-up face is a reference to the scrapped blind character, who was also described as having its eyes sewn shut.
    • When Door Flumpty has his picture taken, the same piano tune from One Night at Flumpty's plays.
  • Virtual Boy Flumpty, and Flumpty.exe are the only clones to not jumpscare the player.


Onaf wiki galley

Click here to view the Flumpty Clones gallery.

One Night at Flumpty's
The PlayerFlumpty BumptyBirthday Boy BlamThe BeaverThe RedmanGrunkfuss the ClownGolden FlumptyEmpty BemptyMiscellaneous Characters
One Night at Flumpty's 2
The PlayerFlumpty BumptyBirthday Boy BlamThe OwlGrunkfuss the ClownThe RedmanEyesaurGolden FlumptyMiscellaneous Characters
One Night at Flumpty's 3
The PlayerBirthday Boy BlamThe RedmanGrunkfuss the ClownThe BeavowlGolden FlumptyThe EyesaurFlumpty BumptyFlumpty ClonesMiscellaneous Characters
One Week at Flumpty's
Birthday Boy BlamMummy BeaverThe OwlThe RedmanGrunkfuss the ClownEyesaurChamp & ChumpFlumpty BumptyGolden FlumptyMiscellaneous Characters