One Night at Flumpty's Wiki
One Night at Flumpty's Wiki

The Furnace is a location in the office in ONAF 3.

In the game the player has a temperature meter that slowly goes down. If it fully empties the player will freeze and a Game Over Easy will be inevitable. To prevent this from happening the player must go over to the furnace on the left of the room. However, The Redman can prevent the player from using the furnace by going through a portal on CAM 4. If they go over to the furnace while the camera says "STAY AWAY" then Redman crawls out and kills the player.

On Flumpty Night, the Redman is replaced by Fireside Flumpty and the same mechanics apply.


  • It was said in a Twitter feed by someone that the pipes above the Furnace would be multiple entrances around the building for characters to enter through.
  • On Flumpty Night, the photo next to the furnace is replaced by Flumpty Bumpty's hallucination from One Night at Flumpty's.
Game Mechanics
One Night at Flumpty's
DoorsClockMonitorGame Over Easy
One Night at Flumpty's 2
The Record PlayerClockLaptopGame Over EasyVentsHallwayLight SwitchExposure Meter
One Night at Flumpty's 3
ClockMonitorGame Over EasyVentsHallwayExposure MeterFurnacePhotographyLasersEleggtroswing
One Week at Flumpty's
ClockMonitorGame Over EasyPhotographyLasersRotatable Hallways