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The Hallway is a hallway that leads to The Player's office which is used by some antagonists.



The Hallways.

Flumpty Bumpty, Birthday Boy Blam and Eyesaur are the only enemies that go through this hallway to try and view the player in order to kill them, they can see the player in their office, unless the lights are turned off.

Flumpty and Eyesaur will only come from the left side of the hallway, while BBB will only come from the right side of the hall.


  • The idea of The Hallway originated from a nightmare that Jonochrome had, in which monsters would peek out of a hallway, similar to Bonnie and Chica peeking in from the hallway in Five Nights at Freddy's.
  • Flumpty and Birthday Boy Blam both come from the side that they came from in the original ONaF.

The Hallway is a dark passage visible from the front of The Office, used as an access point by some antagonists.


Normal Night

Birthday Boy Blam, Grunkfuss the Clown, and Eyesaur appear here during the normal night. Flashes will send them all away, however the method for getting rid of each is different.

  • BBB will been seen on the floor, and a single flash will scare him off.
  • Grunkfuss will be on the roof. Flashing him while he's in the hallway will result in a Game Over Easy. Wait for him to leave.
  • Eyesaur's many eyes will be visible from the office. Flash it twice to get rid of it.

Flumpty Night

Due to the office's transformation on Flumpty Night, there are now three hallways. The main hallway stretches into darkness directly in front of the player, while the left and right hallways branch off diagonal to it. The left and right hallways lead directly to CAM 8A and CAM 8B. Some Flumpty Clones attack from these hallways.

  • Another Flumpty attacks from the center hall. Use the camera flash to get rid of him.
  • Door Flumpty can attack from either the left or right. Use the camera system to determine where he is at that moment, then use the lasers to block his way.


  • The hallway is thought to lead directly to CAM 5, as the area shown there is where Grunkfuss and BBB, as well as Another Flumpty on Flumpty Night, last appear before readying themselves to attack.
  • Eyesaur is the only enemy visible from the office without using a flash on either night.

Game Mechanics
One Night at Flumpty's
DoorsClockMonitorGame Over Easy
One Night at Flumpty's 2
The Record PlayerClockLaptopGame Over EasyVentsHallwayLight SwitchExposure Meter
One Night at Flumpty's 3
ClockMonitorGame Over EasyVentsHallwayExposure MeterFurnacePhotographyLasersEleggtroswing
One Week at Flumpty's
ClockMonitorGame Over EasyPhotographyLasersRotatable Hallways