One Night at Flumpty's Wiki
One Night at Flumpty's Wiki

How can a symbol of life be a chaos god of death? - Phone Call

Hard Boiled Mode is an unlockable second night in One Night at Flumpty's. It can be unlocked after completing the main night in the game.


The night is identical in length to the previous night, however, the characters are much more kinetic. The cast becomes active much earlier in the night than usual, and they tend to move around more frequently.

Flumpty, Birthday Boy Blam, The Beaver and The Redman are active from 12 AM, Grunkfuss begins to come out from the hole in the wall at 2 AM, and Golden Flumpty can spawn at 3 AM.

Phone Call

"How can a symbol of life be a chaos god of death?" (Reverse and Distorted)


When Completing Hard Boiled Mode, the credits will play like in Normal Night, but in a fast forwarded and high-pitched music tone, and the player will be sent back to the main menu with a star, clicking it will show you an image of Empty Bempty and his description.


  • In a developer commentary for One Night at Flumpty's 2, Jonochrome stated he will not add a Hard Boiled Mode to One Night at Flumpty's, until August 2020 when he added it alongside One Night at Flumpty's 3 that got announced.
  • The credits music is at 300% speed.
  • Upon completion the player will be rewarded with a star under the title.
  • When clicking the star you get upon beating Hard Boiled Mode, you are presented with a picture of a colourful Flumpty Bumpty without limbs and a header reading "EASTER EGG ...THIS IS REALLY ALL THERE IS..." and a text stating what the egg is, "Don't be confused; this isn't Flumpty Bumpty. This colorful little guy is Empty Bempty! He can go anywhere he likes, but he can’t do much else. You see, Empty is an Easter egg. He is not immune to the plot; the plot is immune to him!”. Clicking BACK TO MENU will take you back to the menu screen. This is also an Easter egg referencing one of Jonochrome's much earlier interactive animations in which clicking on the moon would take you to a similar screen except that Empty is just a normal Easter egg and the text below is missing.
  • At the end of phone call, Eyesaur's reversed jumpscare sound can be heard.
    • That strongly implies it is the one that says it
One Night at Flumpty's
Normal NightHard Boiled Mode
One Night at Flumpty's 2
Normal NightHard Boiled Mode
One Night at Flumpty's 3
Normal NightFlumpty NightHard Boiled Mode
One Week at Flumpty's
Night 1Night 2Night 3Night 4Night 5Night 6Night 7