One Night at Flumpty's Wiki
One Night at Flumpty's Wiki
OWAF Cancelled "Cancelled Game"
This article is about One Week at Flumpty's, which was cancelled by Jonochrome. Please note that no official game can be played.
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My friend Jake suggested that The Beaver be a mummy, because he has toilet paper.
Jonochrome, The Sad Fate of One Week at Flumpty's

Mummy Beaver was an antagonist planned to appear in One Week at Flumpty's, before its cancellation.

Physical appearance[]

Jonochrome has stated that the Beaver would have returned as a mummy.


It can be assumed that Mummy Beaver would have begun in CAM 4 alongside the owl, not much is known about his behavior besides the fact that once he left the bathroom, background music would've been heard, a scrapped concept for the first game.

He and The Owl would've been the characters of focus on Night 2.

One Night at Flumpty's
The PlayerFlumpty BumptyBirthday Boy BlamThe BeaverThe RedmanGrunkfuss the ClownGolden FlumptyEmpty BemptyMiscellaneous Characters
One Night at Flumpty's 2
The PlayerFlumpty BumptyBirthday Boy BlamThe OwlGrunkfuss the ClownThe RedmanEyesaurGolden FlumptyMiscellaneous Characters
One Night at Flumpty's 3
The PlayerBirthday Boy BlamThe RedmanGrunkfuss the ClownThe BeavowlGolden FlumptyThe EyesaurFlumpty BumptyFlumpty ClonesMiscellaneous Characters
One Week at Flumpty's
Birthday Boy BlamMummy BeaverThe OwlThe RedmanGrunkfuss the ClownEyesaurChamp & ChumpFlumpty BumptyGolden FlumptyMiscellaneous Characters