One Night at Flumpty's Wiki
One Night at Flumpty's Wiki
OWAF Cancelled "Cancelled Game"
This article is about One Week at Flumpty's, which was cancelled by Jonochrome. Please note that no official game can be played.
For more information go here

Not to be confused with Normal Night from One Night at Flumpty's 1 and 2.

Night 4 would've been the fourth playable night in One Week at Flumpty's.

Characters of Focus[]

There would've been three characters active tonight; The Eyesaur, alongside two new characters, named Champ & Chump.


It's unknown where Eyesaur would've started, probably would've been stopped by rotating the hallway intersections, blocking off the path with lasers, and presumably being temportally stunned by the camera flashes.

Champ & Chump[]

Champ & Chump's starting location is unknown. They most likely they would've walked in the direction of the office in an attempt to kill the player and be stopped by rotating the hallway intersections, blocking off the path with lasers, and presumably being temportally stunned by the camera flashes.


  • Due to having multiple eyes and lacking eyelids, it is possible the Eyesaur would've been stunned longer by the camera flashes. While it is possible that Champ and Chump would have been stunned for longer due to their lack of eyelids as well.
One Night at Flumpty's
Normal NightHard Boiled Mode
One Night at Flumpty's 2
Normal NightHard Boiled Mode
One Night at Flumpty's 3
Normal NightFlumpty NightHard Boiled Mode
One Week at Flumpty's
Night 1Night 2Night 3Night 4Night 5Night 6Night 7