One Night at Flumpty's Wiki
One Night at Flumpty's Wiki

This page is a guide for tips and tricks to help beat One Night at Flumpty's 3.

Enemy AI/Mechanics[]

Normal Night[]

Birthday Boy Blam will immediately becomes active when the night starts. Following the set path: CAM 1, CAM 2, CAM 5 and the office. When he disappears from CAM 5, it means he's right in front of you. Use the camera flash to make him back to CAM 1. He will jumpscare the player if ignored long enough.

Death message: Take the birthday boy's picture.

The Redman will becomes active at 1 AM, he will make his way to the lava portal in CAM 4, eventually to the furnace. If you see "Stay away" warning when checking CAM 4, it means the Redman is right at the furnace. going to the furnace at this point will result in a game over.

Death message: You should have stayed away.

Grunkfuss The Clown will start moving at 1 AM, Following the set path: CAM 6, CAM 3, CAM 2, CAM 5 and the office. However, he will not attack the player UNLESS you use camera flash on him while he's in front of the office. Unlike Birthday Boy Blam, this will result in a jumpscare. You can avoid that by just ignoring him. When he's back to CAM 6, you can use camera flash safely.

Death message: No flash photography.

The Beavowl becomes active around 2 AM, Starting from CAM 3 and enters the vent at CAM 7. and finally reach the office on the right. If he disappears from CAM 7, go to the right of the office and use camera flash to make him go back. It will jumpscare the player if ignored long enough.

Death message: Remember to check the vent.

The Eyesaur will becomes active at 3 AM, but just activate at 4 AM in few occasions. It will appears right in the front hallway for a small chance after you put down the monitor. To deal with it, use camera flash twice to make it go away. It will jumpscare the player if ignored long enough.

Death Message: The eyes must be blinded.

Golden Flumpty will becomes active at 4 AM. Golden Flumpty can appear on any camera. When the player drops the monitor while Golden Flumpty is visible on the camera feed, he will jumpscare the player, but instead of game over, Golden Flumpty can only drains your body temperature.

Flumpty Night[]

Flumpty Bumpty takes place during this night with multiple clones. Each having unique functions. While others have been killed in CAM 6 and no longer present during this night.

Another Flumpty shares the same function as Birthday Boy Blam.

Death message: He came from the center door.

Fireside Flumpty shares the same function as The Redman.

Death message: You should have stayed away.

Spider Flumpty (aka Fucking Animating Flumpty by Jonochrome) Replaces The Beavowl. However, if you see him dashing through the vent at CAM 7, go to the right vent immediately and flash him. or else it will result in a jumpscare.

Death message: Remember to check the vents.

Door Flumpty will become active at 1 AM when CAM 8A and CAM 8B becomes avaliable. He will either appear at one of the said cams and will proceed his way to the office. If he disappeared from either CAM 8A/CAM 8B, shut the laser door at the same side to prevent him from attacking. Using the camera flash can also tell where Door Flumpty is when he's at one of the doorway. but that does not prevent you from being attacked. Note that CAM 8A and CAM 8B will swap position occasionally. If you see a Flumpty cutout in either cams, you can open the laser doors safely.

Death message: He came from the door on the left/right.

All-Seeing Eye Flumpty will be active at 2 AM in CAM 6, following by the appearance of Exposure meter at bottom right. All-Seeing Eye Flumpty shares a similar fashion with Grunkfuss the Clown in One Night at Flumpty's 2, with a patience meter starting from 1500 as seen in CAM 6. When the patience meter runs out, he will immediately emerge from the hole in the office, causing the Exposure meter to fill up. The Exposure meter will not go up if the player is at the furnace or at the right vent. Use the camera flash on him to make him go back and reset his patience meter. He will jumpscare the player if the Exposure meter is full.

Death message: If you can't blind him, hide.

Flumpty.exe plays a role identical to the Redman in ONaF2, acting as a random pop up that can appear on your camera system. If he appears, click the cancel button on his pop up to make him go away. Failure to do so will cause the camera system to be disabled. But unlike Redman he does not jumpscare you.

There's an Unknown Flumpty who becomes active around 3 AM. but the only thing he can do is to make the time, exposure meter, thermometer, photos and power meter begin to glitch and display random values periodically for about 30 seconds everytime he laughed.

Virtual Boy Flumpty will appear in CAM 9 and CAM 10 at 3 AM. he will slowly approach the door power supply area on CAM 10. If he enters the doorway in the room, the door lasers can be turned on to dissuade him from entering. Failure to prevent Virtual Boy Flumpty with the laser door will allow him to disable all laser doors, most likely letting Door Flumpty easily kill you.

Death message (if getting killed by Door Flumpty after door power disabled by Virtual Boy Flumpty): Don't forget to block the switch.

Shadow Flumpty becomes active at 4 AM. He plays a similar role to Grunkfuss the Clown in One Night at Flumpty's 1 and behaves similarly to Golden Flumpty in last night. He has the chance to appear in any of the cameras, and lowering your camera while Shadow Flumpty is in the camera causes him to appear above the main hallway. Lowering your camera while Shadow Flumpty is present 4 more times allows him to slowly grow closer and closer to you until he finally jumpscares you.

Death message: Shy away from the shadows.

The Golden Strategy[]

Normal Night[]

Only check CAM 4, CAM 5, CAM 6 and CAM 7. and make sure to go to the furnace occasionally unless Redman is presenting at the moment.

Make sure to save as much temperature as possible when Redman enters his last phase before entering the furnace. And don't be greedy if he's about to attack.

If Birthday Boy Blam or Eyesaur appears in the hallway with Grunkfuss the Clown at the same time, check CAM 6 before using camera flash. Usually Grunkfuss will leave the hallway very fast, giving time for player to avoid Blam and Eyesaur.

(Works both in Normal Night and Hard Boiled Mode)

Flumpty Night[]

Only check CAM 4, CAM 5, CAM 7, CAM 8A/8B (depends on where Door Flumpty is) and CAM 10. and make sure to go to the furnace occasionally unless Fireside Flumpty is presenting at the moment.

Make sure to save as much temperature as possible when Fireside Flumpty enters his last phase before entering the furnace. And don't be greedy if he's about to attack.

Do not waste camera flashes on checking Door Flumpty. Use the laser when he's out of the camera view.

There's no need to check All-Seeing Eye Flumpty's patience meter. All you need is quick reaction. If you're out of flashes, or it's still in cooldown, you can go to the furnace or the right vent to prevent the Exposure meter from filling. But it's not recommended to go to the furnace cause Fireside Flumpty may be guarding there.

Don't panic when it's glitching, just ignore it and do your thing.

(Works both in Flumpty Night and Hard Boiled Mode)

At 4 AM, the game will switch soundtracks, and it may be a distraction for players. Just ignore it like the glitch and do your regular routine while avoiding Shadow Flumpty. The song's end is also synced with the end of the night (Flumpty Night only).

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