One Night at Flumpty's Wiki
One Night at Flumpty's Wiki

Photography, is a mechanic that was finally brought back in One Night at Flumpty's 3.


The Player would start the night with the ability to take a maximum of 20 pictures (25 in the Flumpty Night, 30 in Hard Boiled Mode). They could take a picture of a character entering towards their office through the front doorway, using the flash to stun them momentarily, forcing them to immediately leave the hallway thereafter and using up one of the camera flashes. After using one of the camera flashes, the player enters a relatively short cooldown before being allowed to use photography. The player can use the camera flashes to scare away The Beavowl from the ventilation shaft.

Once all camera flashes had been used, the player is no longer be able to briefly immobilize or defend themselves from any of the characters for the rest of the night. It's worth mentioning that the player shouldn't flash Grunkfuss the Clown when he's approaching the office by crawling through the ceilings since he's completely immune to the camera flashes, otherwise they would spontaneously get jump-scared by him. The Eyesaur requires to be flashed twice when standing in the hallway and has a significantly longer stun time than the rest of the other characters, mainly because of his multiple eyes and severe lack of eyelids.


The Snapshot noise The Noise that plays when you flash Grunkfuss the Clown.


  • The Redman, Golden Flumpty, and some of Flumpty Bumpty's nightmarish clones (during the Flumpty Night) are the only characters in the game who aren't affected by the photography feature.
    • Grunkfuss, while not deterred by his picture being taken, instead attacks the player upon seeing the camera flash.

OWAF Cancelled "Cancelled Game"
This article is about One Week at Flumpty's, which was cancelled by Jonochrome. Please note that no official game can be played.
For more information go here

Note the snapshot icon to the left of the camera map.

Photography, alternatively called Camera Flashes, was a planned mechanic that was to appear in One Week at Flumpty's before the game's cancellation.


The Player would start the night with the ability to take fourteen pictures. They could take a picture of a character wandering towards their office, using the flash to stun them momentarily and using up one of the camera flashes.

Once all fourteen camera flashes had been used, the player would no longer be able to briefly immobilize any of the characters for the rest of the night.


  • The photography feature and the rotating hallways would have been the only new features that did not take any power in One Week at Flumpty's.
  • It was possible that certain antagonists would have been affected by the camera flashes longer compared to other antagonists.
    • The Eyesaur would likely have a longer than normal stun time due to the lack of eyelids and having multiple eyes, While Champ & Chump would also likely have a longer than normal stun time due to the lack of eyelids.
    • Due to him being nocturnal, The Owl might've been stunned for longer as well.}}

Game Mechanics
One Night at Flumpty's
DoorsClockMonitorGame Over Easy
One Night at Flumpty's 2
The Record PlayerClockLaptopGame Over EasyVentsHallwayLight SwitchExposure Meter
One Night at Flumpty's 3
ClockMonitorGame Over EasyVentsHallwayExposure MeterFurnacePhotographyLasersEleggtroswing
One Week at Flumpty's
ClockMonitorGame Over EasyPhotographyLasersRotatable Hallways