One Night at Flumpty's Wiki
One Night at Flumpty's Wiki

Remember to check the vent.
Game Over Easy, One Night at Flumpty's 3

The Beavowl is introduced in One Night at Flumpty's 3. He is an amalgamation of The Beaver and The Owl.

After the death of The Owl, Flumpty decided to take his corpse and combine it with The Beaver's corpse (who died before The Owl after the events of One Night at Flumpty's) to get a completely new monster in the likeness of Eyesaur, which is also created from corpses.

Physical appearance[]

The Beavowl is the mix of The Beaver and The Owl. The left side of his face has the Owl's face stitched on. The Beavowl's nose is actually the Owl's beak and the Owl's left wing is attached to the Beavowl's head. The owl's right wing is attached to the body, as seen in CAM 6 during Flumpty Night. The Beaver's left hand is also replaced with one of The Owl's feet, but in the jumpscare it was replaced with a bloody knife.


In his Jumpscare, Beavowl pops infront of the player and screams at them, while reaching for them, his hair flowing and his teeth turning yellow. He brings up his left hand, which is replaced by a blood-stained knife.


He will first appear in Cam 3, inside the hottub. Once it hits 2 AM, gradually, his arms will dangle out of the hottub. Later on, he can be seen entering the vent, with his leg sticking out. His face is obscured by shadow once he is inside the vent, then he gets closer but the face is still obscured by the shadow. Once he no longer appears in the vent, the player must take a picture at the vent and he will crawl away. In Flumpty Night, he can be seen dead on Cam 6, with his role replaced by Spider Flumpty.


Beavowl's screech


  • In the ONaF 3 Developer Commentary, Jonochrome added some text at 6:40 saying that late into development "The Bowel" would have made more sense but he stuck with The Beavowl because it sounded stupider.
  • The Beavowl is the second canon antagonist made of amalgamated corpses, the first being Eyesaur. although Champ & Chump were also made in a similar fashion to this, they have been regarded as non-canon.
    • However unlike Eyesaur, The Beavowl is made of 2 different species, while in the case of Eyesaur they are likely all humans.
  • The reason that The Beavowl exists is because Jonochrome didn't manage to find a way to implement different mechanics for The Beaver and The Owl separately.
  • Similar to The Beaver and his original jumpscare where the color of his teeth changes, when the Beavowl goes away when the camera is flashed, he has white teeth. However when he jumpscares The Player, he has golden teeth.
    • Similarly, the Beavowl is seen with a tongue in the credits sequence, however he has no tongue during his jumpscare, instead he has a second pair of teeth.
    • It can be assumed that he just hides it in the jumpscare somewhat, but it's unknown why the lower pair of teeth aren't shown.
  • His hand turning into a knife is most likely a reference to the Beaver's feet turning into knives in the first game, when he runs down the hallway.
  • His body is never fully shown, albeit CAM 6 in Flumpty Night is the closest to showing it.
  • If Spider Flumpty is to be excluded, he is the only character that comes through the vent.
  • As both The Beaver and The Owl are males, it's safe to say that The Beavowl is a male too.
  • The Beavowl likely is able to breath under water, as he stays inside the bathtub and doesn't drown.
  • Weirdly The Beavowl's right beaver hand has five fingers, but in the first game The Beaver has four.


Onaf wiki galley

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One Night at Flumpty's
The PlayerFlumpty BumptyBirthday Boy BlamThe BeaverThe RedmanGrunkfuss the ClownGolden FlumptyEmpty BemptyMiscellaneous Characters
One Night at Flumpty's 2
The PlayerFlumpty BumptyBirthday Boy BlamThe OwlGrunkfuss the ClownThe RedmanEyesaurGolden FlumptyMiscellaneous Characters
One Night at Flumpty's 3
The PlayerBirthday Boy BlamThe RedmanGrunkfuss the ClownThe BeavowlGolden FlumptyThe EyesaurFlumpty BumptyFlumpty ClonesMiscellaneous Characters
One Week at Flumpty's
Birthday Boy BlamMummy BeaverThe OwlThe RedmanGrunkfuss the ClownEyesaurChamp & ChumpFlumpty BumptyGolden FlumptyMiscellaneous Characters