One Night at Flumpty's Wiki
One Night at Flumpty's Wiki

Flumpty kidnapped a person because he felt like it, and that person is supposed to be the player of the game, and you’ve been brought to Flumpty’s House of Horrors.
Jonochrome, One Night at Flumpty's (Developer Commentary)

The Player is the real-world player and main protagonist of the One Night at Flumpty's series, kidnapped by the titular Flumpty Bumpty to play his "survival hide-and-seek" games, so he can get a new best friend.

The Player's history before they were kidnapped is unknown. All that is known about them is that they are average resident of New Dork City.

Physical Appearance[]

As confirmed by Jonochrome in the Flumpty Q&A on, the player character is literally the player themselves, thus sharing the appearance of the player(s) of the games. In the Game Over Easy screens, however, it is implied that The player in-universe has red eyes, albeit this could just be for stylization.


One Night at Flumpty's[]

Before One Night at Flumpty's begins, Flumpty kidnapped the player simply because he felt like it. Here, they would need to survive until 6 AM (or HAM) to survive a game similar to the first Five Nights at Freddy's game.

One Night at Flumpty's 2[]

In One Night at Flumpty's 2, the player passes Hard Boiled Mode and became Flumpty's new best friend.

One Night at Flumpty's 3[]

Despite reaching the supposed times in the previous two games, the player technically never made it until 6 AM, so Flumpty prepared one last game for them.

After beating Flumpty Night, the clock hits SALAMI and Flumpty lets the player go. However, the outside world was ruined, with collasped buildings and lava flowing.

The true ending requires the player to beat Hard Boiled Mode, which is a mix of the normal and Flumpty Nights. The clock finally reaches 6 AM, and once again, Flumpty frees the player, this time to a repaired city.

Flumpty says that he'll miss you, and the series ends.

Other Appearances[]

In One Week at Flumpty's, Flumpty beckons the player into a backroom, stating "In order to be my best friend, you must kill your current best friend.". The player will refuse, which results in Flumpty maiming both the player and their friend. The two would become Champ & Chump, respectively. However, since One Week at Flumpty's was cancelled, and ONaF3 contradicts this, this is not considered canon.

The player is also present in One Night at Flumpty's 2 (April Fools Edition). They are equipped with a gun, and shot Flumpty Bumpty, Birthday Boy Blam, and Grunkfuss the Clown, killing them. Like OWaF, however, this is not canon, as it is in an April Fools' Day joke.


Gameplay Textures[]


One Night at Flumpty's
The PlayerFlumpty BumptyBirthday Boy BlamThe BeaverThe RedmanGrunkfuss the ClownGolden FlumptyEmpty BemptyMiscellaneous Characters
One Night at Flumpty's 2
The PlayerFlumpty BumptyBirthday Boy BlamThe OwlGrunkfuss the ClownThe RedmanEyesaurGolden FlumptyMiscellaneous Characters
One Night at Flumpty's 3
The PlayerBirthday Boy BlamThe RedmanGrunkfuss the ClownThe BeavowlGolden FlumptyThe EyesaurFlumpty BumptyFlumpty ClonesMiscellaneous Characters
One Week at Flumpty's
Birthday Boy BlamMummy BeaverThe OwlThe RedmanGrunkfuss the ClownEyesaurChamp & ChumpFlumpty BumptyGolden FlumptyMiscellaneous Characters