One Night at Flumpty's Wiki
One Night at Flumpty's Wiki

Man drinks lava and lives (Kinda)
New Dork Rhymes, One Night at Flumpty's

The Redman is the quaternary antagonist in One Night at Flumpty's.

He was a victim manipulated by Flumpty Bumpty who drank lava and lived (kinda). Despite this, he seems to be friends with the egg.

Physical appearance

The Redman appears to be a tall, long, slim and blood-red skeletal figure with an exposed ribcage, four long legs and three points at the bottom of his head that can sometimes open like a spider's mandibles. He has one dark, large eye socket and one smaller dark eye socket. The eye in the larger socket is bigger than the one in the smaller socket, and they are both red with black pupils.

Redman's appearance in One Night at Flumpty's 2 is identical from the first game, but he has two forms, being his regular skeletal form, and a virus form. His computer virus form only shows his head, but it lacks pupils and the virus also has a red yield sign with an exclamation point to the right of Redman with the word INCOMING right next to the sign and a progress bar under it. The progress bar when loading appears in individual blocks.


One Night at Flumpty's

The Redman's jumpscare consists of his face incredibly close up, with (presumably) his ribcage stretched out towards the player. His left eye has increased in size with barely noticeable veins, while his right eye's pupil has massively increased in size, making it barely visible.

One Night at Flumpty's 2

The Redman's jumpscare is the only time you see him in his actual form, where he jumps in front of The Player with his ribcage spread wide open and unlike the first game, you can actually see him open them up. If one looks closely, you can see The Redman's mouth unhinge, revealing four sharp teeth. His Jumpscare scream sounds a bit technological, possibly because he is tied to the laptop error.

One Night at Flumpty's 3

When checking the furnace, the Redman uses his ribs to climb out and lunges at you, opening his ribs up and twitching his head. Also, his pupils become smaller.


The exact identity of Redman is unknown. The only thing that can be said about him is that he has a tendency to damage technology, as in the first game the cameras on which Redman is located are turned off, and in the second Redman appears as a computer virus at all. According to Jonochrome, this tendency, as well as Redman's "friendship" with Flumpty, may be side effects of being next to an omnipotent and reality-distorting egg that does what it wants and cannot be argued with.


One Night at Flumpty's

The Redman begins in the volcanic room of CAM 3 where he starts to move around the time 3 AM hits. Whenever he enters a new room, the camera feed for said room becomes red static, meaning the only time he can be seen is when he's at the left door, the ending screen, and his jumpscare. He will slowly move to the left door, and will return to Cam 3 if the door is shut for a while. If the player fails to close the door while the Redman is at the left door, he will jumpscare the player. In Hard boiled mode, the Redman is active almost immediately and will repeatedly appear at the left door throughout the night.

One Night at Flumpty's 2

In One Night at Flumpty's 2, a red pop-up appears on the laptop at random points, with a warning sign next to the laptop button when it appears. A progress bar on the pop-up will slowly fill up, under the progress bar is the "cancel" button. Hitting the "cancel" button on the pop-up before the progress bar finishes results in the pop-up disappearing, preventing The Redman from attacking. Failing to hit the "cancel" before the progress bar finishes results in letting the virus download to The Players laptop, resulting in an error message on the laptop. Around 10 seconds after the player fails to cancel the pop-up, a red screen Redman Exe pops up, and the monitor's power goes out, and then Redman kills the player

One Week at Flumpty's

It is possible that the Redman would have started in CAM 03, not much is known about his behavior, but it's confirmed that he would've messed with the equipment, meaning that he would've been able to disable the camera flashes, lasers and the ability to rotate the hallways.

One Night at Flumpty's 3

The Redman starts in CAM 4 and becomes active around 1 AM. He will try to enter inside the office by the furnace through the fire portal that is seen inside his room. Once he enters the portal, checking the monitor will warn the player to stay away from the furnace, showing a view of the office's furnace with the Redman inside. Checking the furnace while he is in the portal will result in a jumpscare.

In Flumpty Night, Redman can be seen dead on Cam 6 and is replaced by Fireside Flumpty.


One Night at Flumpty's

  • On the Beaver's newspaper, there is an article that reads "MAN DRINKS LAVA AND LIVES" and a couple pictures showing The Redman's ribcage and eyes. In Jonochrome's developer commentary, he confirms that the man referred to in the article is The Redman.
  • The Redman's behavior of usually not being seen, having a set path, and him not being activated right away makes him similar to Freddy Fazbear.
    • However, unlike Freddy, The Redman appears in the doorway instead of hiding out of sight.
  • The Redman's name, appearance, the ability to hack/corrupt electronics within his surroundings, and association with fire and lava is heavily reminiscent of Red from the NES Godzilla Creepypasta. It could be possible that Red was the main inspiration for The Redman in the first place.
  • He can become active at 2 AM in the Normal Night, but that is extremely rare.

One Night at Flumpty's 2

  • The Owl and The Redman are the only characters that can jumpscare you when the lights are off.
  • The numbers 10050:11121987 are a reference to Five Nights at Freddy's 2. In FNaF 2, protagonist Jeremy Fitzgerald was paid $100.50 on 11/12/1987 (said in text in the ONaF 2 commentary).
  • The SFETDSFFOPGEFBUI is a code. If you replace each letter with the letter that comes before the mentioned letter in the alphabet, it translates to "REDSCREENOFDEATH", a reference to a computer screen crash, or the blue screen of death (said in text in the ONaF2 commentary).
  • ONAF 2 is the only game in the series where The Redman opens his jaw, and can only be seen in a short portion of his jumpscare.

One Night at Flumpty's 3

  • Oddly, it appears that the Redman's jumpscare (and crawling animation) uses a different art style compared to the other characters, and the way he moves is vividly different from the other characters. It is unknown why this is the case.
  • This is the only time the Redman has visibly appeared on cameras.
    • If the player look to CAM 4 closely, a red static can be seen, however unlike the first game this red static is just a little bit and doesn't affect the camera view.
  • The Redman and the Fireside Flumpty are the only characters to have the exact same death message.
  • The Redman's jumpscare shows him without his left eye.


Onaf wiki galley

Click here to view The Redman's gallery.

One Night at Flumpty's
The PlayerFlumpty BumptyBirthday Boy BlamThe BeaverThe RedmanGrunkfuss the ClownGolden FlumptyEmpty BemptyMiscellaneous Characters
One Night at Flumpty's 2
The PlayerFlumpty BumptyBirthday Boy BlamThe OwlGrunkfuss the ClownThe RedmanEyesaurGolden FlumptyMiscellaneous Characters
One Night at Flumpty's 3
The PlayerBirthday Boy BlamThe RedmanGrunkfuss the ClownThe BeavowlGolden FlumptyThe EyesaurFlumpty BumptyFlumpty ClonesMiscellaneous Characters
One Week at Flumpty's
Birthday Boy BlamMummy BeaverThe OwlThe RedmanGrunkfuss the ClownEyesaurChamp & ChumpFlumpty BumptyGolden FlumptyMiscellaneous Characters