One Night at Flumpty's Wiki
One Night at Flumpty's Wiki

This section contains unused content for One Night at Flumpty's that didn't make it to the release of the games, or ideas that got scrapped.


  • The Ronald McDonald on the poster was supposed to crawl out, but this was replaced with Grunkfuss the Clown. A reason for this may be because it is used for an Easter egg. In the commentary Jonochrome said Grunkfuss was totally a better clown. The McDonald poster was replaced with one of Grunkfuss for copyright reasons.
  • In CAM 6, there was supposed to be a male person sitting on the toilet, he is scrapped for The Beaver.
  • Originally all the characters were supposed to be variations of Flumpty, but Jonochrome scrapped the idea since it was too repetitive.
    • However, this concept was later featured in One Night at Flumpty's 3, especially during the Flumpty Night where all of characters were brutally slaughtered and replaced by the nightmarish versions of Flumpty himself.
  • Originally, The Beaver was meant to go down both hallways, but it was scrapped and used for The Owl and the vents in the second game.
  • Rap music was going to play when The Beaver left CAM 6, however Jonochrome scrapped the idea since it was too easy to know when he was coming.
  • Jonochrome planned for Jake (MetroidMan347) to make a phone call in the middle of the night saying he was Jake from State Farm, but he didn't keep it as he thought it would detract from the mood too much.
  • The Ronald McDonald poster was supposed to actually honk upon clicking the nose but Jonochrome decided not to keep it.

This section contains unused content for One Night at Flumpty's 2 that didn't make it to the release of the games, or ideas that got scrapped.


  • Grunkfuss The Clown was supposed to be similar to The Puppet from Five Nights at Freddy's 2, but that idea got scrapped because Jonochrome really didn't like the "music box" mechanic from Five nights at Freddy's 2. He thought the mechanic was overused in FNaF fan games in general.
    • The whole "music box" mechanic was later refitted for One Night at Flumpty's 3 as the player's body temperature that they must constantly raise by standing near the furnace.
  • There was originally a blind character with large ears and stitched-up eyelids in the game; if it was in the hallway you would have to not do anything. However, Jonochrome scrapped the character since he thought it slowed down the gameplay too much.

OWAF Cancelled "Cancelled Game"
This article is about One Week at Flumpty's, which was cancelled by Jonochrome. Please note that no official game can be played.
For more information go here

As One Week at Flumpty's has been cancelled, every asset that was made for the game can be considered unused, aside from the first night prototype that was released to the public.

Jonochrome released a picture via twitter, asking for advice on The Office for One Week at Flumpty's.

  • Jonochrome had briefly considered the blind monster to appear in One Night at Flumpty's 3; however, it was scrapped for the same reason as ONaF 2.
  • The Beaver and The Owl were originally going to be separate characters, but Jonochrome didn't figure it out how to do that, so he created the Beavowl.

Easter EggsFlumpty Q&ASound FilesThe Flumpty CanonUnused/Cut ContentFanartTranscripts
One Night at Flumpty's GuideOne Night at Flumpty's 2 GuideOne Night at Flumpty's 3 Guide