One Night at Flumpty's Wiki
One Night at Flumpty's Wiki

I have seen the poll, and most of the votes are on "NOPE". This disappoints me, as Jonochrome's decision was what he thought was the best and he cancelled OWaF, I accept that and even though I'm sad that the game didn't get finished I understand and respect his decision. But this goddamned fanbase is just like "No OWaF? F you Jonochrome you ugly homosexual donkey dong!" Jonochrome got stressed out because the fanbase was yelling "ONaF3 then ONaF4 then ONaF5 then ONaF85!!!" and the game didn't work out. Screw those people. I wish ONaF hadn't become super popular and developed a fanbase like this. Now not the entire fanbase is like this, there are many that accept Jonochrome's decision. Thank You.
